Friday, November 26, 2010

Alone or A "Lone":....!

Alone or A "Lone"....!

"No one is alone during tribulations - there's always someone else thinking, rejoicing or suffering in the same way. This thought gives us strength to face the challenge that lies in front of us"......By Paulo Coelho, from The Zahir!

I have walked alone the lonely streets during rains, and wondered whether its me or the rains carrying forward their loneliness. At times, in cold winter mornings  i had blown out the misty air and saw the shapeless fog melt away in ether. Sat at an empty coffee table waiting for a friend, and kept on looking at the street thinking of nothing, until they were empty....and the silence wrapped me again! I wonder is silence only to be perceived in loneliness. 

Have always wondered, whether loneliness is an interplay of situations or can it also be a personal choice. The strange thing is, in this fast and modern era, where we have movies depicting loneliness.......the real feeling is quite different. When you are all by yourself, seated in a remote corner of the room or lost in translation with the candle flames on the roof top, you don't have any music playing by as they show in films. Infact, your audience are perhaps the skies, unfinished pages of a diary, an empty coffee mug, an open window, ruffled bed sheets.......and You!

Sadness, i question... does it always accompany us when we are lonely? Perhaps, not. Loneliness at times has its own companion. Fulfillment and self-discovery. Many a times i have tried to race against time and flow against the tide. There were moments where all i just wanted was to hold people, situations, feelings, objects and even Love. A part of me could always see, that this interplay of situations were such, that i was to be detached for a while. It was as if meant to be this way. But the rebel in me fought and said "No". Acceptance was difficult to arrive at. I did not want to be alone. When being a"lone" was all that was needed.

One evening, i was left with nothing but the rains and thunders. My only sport was to play light and shadows with them. Seeking affirmation from every roar of the thunders.....i realized in this uncertain world, a promise or acknowledgment is very dear to us. I was sitting beside the window in my room. The crimson and silver lightning went on. A faint light of thunder kept on striking from behind the tree leaves. I could hardly see it apart from the frequent sparks. Kept on looking at it till the sounds of thunders faded. The sparks carried on for a while and then paled out.....I learnt there is a certain  boldness and courage in being a "loner". This small quaint spark was!

I thought in life we can choose our loneliness like this little thunder.....We can choose to be alone or a "lone". A "loner" would always have her little world to walk on and some wonderful signs. I agree sometimes we do need to go through certain afflictions, but then later in retrospect we do have a smile thinking about it isn't it? We realize, we were growing up. Walking on the same lines, you would sure come across a face amidst a huge gathering enjoying the merry making and the cheer that's going on! Watch carefully, into the eyes... the person could be having a secret conversation with God in the midst of it. May be he is in that dream Arcadia...or she trying to camouflage that unnoticed tear! You are never alone. And if you are a "loner" the path would lead to an unknown face, but a known emotion.....Walk on, didn't you always dreamt of that acceptance!!!!


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The 3rd Face....A Priori!!!!

The 3rd Face....A Priori!!!!

A cool breeze touched my face one morning, and i hear a voice softly uttering the word "The 3rd Face" in my ears. A rare term is it....No, not in the least! Being a curious fiction reader i have come across terms like these....Imagination, for sure are the "wings of poesy" i realized. Pondered on this term for a while and thought of naming it my new blog. I still do not know what prompted me to do that.

Being a dreamer in this fast paced world has got a way of its own. At the same time dreams take you to lands of grey areas. Sometimes, or lets say more often than not these grey areas are visible in our very own real world. I remember once i sat at a coffee joint with a certain friend, when the morning mists made its way. I must admit with all my honesty, observing human expression has been my most coveted habit. A face has more to it. Conversations and silence reveals the minute nuances, that otherwise goes unnoticed. My friend, though conversant on most topics have an apparent pan-faced expression! Don't know whether it is the Scorpion specialty!!!!!

The smell of the coffee beans wafting through the air created an atmosphere of its own. Conversations on various subjects were on, and suddenly i see her expression getting all livened up and animated. They say that on an apparent level our face carries two basic expressions. One an external alertness and the second, an internal "care-freeness".....if i can take the liberty to coin that term. But there's more......I learnt it that day!

As she eagerly went on speaking about her dreams, days she spent in Delhi, how she fell in love and about her loneliness.....I was transported to the land of gypsies! I could see  golden sands, colored ribbons on a girls head, smell the ivory musk, hear the far distant wind chimes and feel the misty air waves....and then suddenly i am back again. Back to the coffee table where she kept on speaking how she loves shopping. I guess i zoned out for a while....i told myself. 

As we were moving out she told me "You know Shweta, i sometimes feel if i was a Gypsy somewhere, in some lifetime. I have always been wandering and wondering".... And we called it a day!

What should i call it? The images i had, the thoughts that hovered in my mind and the statement she made last. From across the shadows came the phrase "The 3rd Face" and indeed she had one. We all perhaps have it too. A face that is not visible to the mundane world, a face that captures our essence! 

Concluding is not something, that i the river always flows on! But as far as the "The 3rd Face" goes...I am sure, the world too has one for itself. I asked myself, why not try and read it. It could take me someday within the "Temples of Isis" in Egypt may be....But that's another thought.....!

(The faces in the mist...!!!)