Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The 3rd Face....A Priori!!!!

The 3rd Face....A Priori!!!!

A cool breeze touched my face one morning, and i hear a voice softly uttering the word "The 3rd Face" in my ears. A rare term is it....No, not in the least! Being a curious fiction reader i have come across terms like these....Imagination, for sure are the "wings of poesy" i realized. Pondered on this term for a while and thought of naming it my new blog. I still do not know what prompted me to do that.

Being a dreamer in this fast paced world has got a way of its own. At the same time dreams take you to lands of grey areas. Sometimes, or lets say more often than not these grey areas are visible in our very own real world. I remember once i sat at a coffee joint with a certain friend, when the morning mists made its way. I must admit with all my honesty, observing human expression has been my most coveted habit. A face has more to it. Conversations and silence reveals the minute nuances, that otherwise goes unnoticed. My friend, though conversant on most topics have an apparent pan-faced expression! Don't know whether it is the Scorpion specialty!!!!!

The smell of the coffee beans wafting through the air created an atmosphere of its own. Conversations on various subjects were on, and suddenly i see her expression getting all livened up and animated. They say that on an apparent level our face carries two basic expressions. One an external alertness and the second, an internal "care-freeness".....if i can take the liberty to coin that term. But there's more......I learnt it that day!

As she eagerly went on speaking about her dreams, days she spent in Delhi, how she fell in love and about her loneliness.....I was transported to the land of gypsies! I could see  golden sands, colored ribbons on a girls head, smell the ivory musk, hear the far distant wind chimes and feel the misty air waves....and then suddenly i am back again. Back to the coffee table where she kept on speaking how she loves shopping. I guess i zoned out for a while....i told myself. 

As we were moving out she told me "You know Shweta, i sometimes feel if i was a Gypsy somewhere, in some lifetime. I have always been wandering and wondering".... And we called it a day!

What should i call it? The images i had, the thoughts that hovered in my mind and the statement she made last. From across the shadows came the phrase "The 3rd Face" and indeed she had one. We all perhaps have it too. A face that is not visible to the mundane world, a face that captures our essence! 

Concluding is not something, that i do...as the river always flows on! But as far as the "The 3rd Face" goes...I am sure, the world too has one for itself. I asked myself, why not try and read it. It could take me someday within the "Temples of Isis" in Egypt may be....But that's another thought.....!

(The faces in the mist...!!!)


  1. wow thats a good illustration... and yes just like ur friend i too sometime feel that i was Gypsy somewhere in some lifetime!! yes i think we all have a third face too but majority of us fail to try and read it... We are living a dream, or rathr dreaming our life and that life is a very reality. With intention and presence, we can turn this life around and create our dream life.....

    i was reading an article of Paramhamsa Yoganand ji he wrote "A dreamer is not cognizant of the hallucinatory fabric of a dream until he awakens. Similarly, man does not understand the delusory nature of the cosmic dream of creation until he awakens in God."

    That was a fantastic intro from you...will look forward for more posts here...
    Peace n Love!! :)

  2. Angel Light! this is beautiful. I want to come back to this blog again and read it some more and ponder more deeply and I want to share what Spirit expresses through me from what I absorb. Right now I am thinking the 3rd Face can be anything you wish it to be ... but I want to take this thought in deeper ... it can be the Purity, The Innocence, The Silent Watcher, The Guardian ... For now I know this ... you have a quality of purity and magnetism that draws one to you. Everyone is pure I know at a deeper level, but few manifest it at the surface level. You seem naturally attuned into into the more purer and 'beauty' side of a soul and reading from above about the 'gypsy', it is apparent that your deep desire is to connect at a spirit level and you speak 'soul' language, if you know what I mean. I know this quality for sure about you, because when I had felt compelled to break away from certain scenarios, I tested this to see whether you would be drawn back to my soul at a deeper level because you were the one person who never left the periphery of my consciousness ... then I would know that every feeling and sense I had about you comes from a deeper place ... and here you are and here I am .... perhaps this is the '3rd Face'??

  3. The third face to me would be the unknown..something that nature people do not even intent to reveal to us..

  4. it took me to my own world of imagination (i call it "the wonderland of Alice") as i read through...it took my back to my days when I would play the agony aunt for many...often to look for someone who would lend us a patient pair of ears...listen to us with a sympathetic heart and not come up with a solution or suggestion...it took me back to my days when i practiced something similar...

    loved reading your blog post..followed it so that i can remain posted as and when its updated...
